Friday, December 11, 2009

Marriage Communication

This website,, has a lot of interesting articles and I thought it was great to have a professional stance on what a good marriage needs to contain.

There are 5 components of good communication:
1. Good Communication in marriage is respectful: avoiding sarcasm, judgmental statement and accusations, and putdowns are all ways of showing disprespect. Listening and showing respect allows communication to be much more effective.
2. Good Communication in marriage is quantitative: finding more time to have deep conversation through all the hectic schedules is very important. Finding time to talk while taking a walk, dinner time, and driving in the car together are all ways to find little time to talk.
3. Good Communication in a marriage is a two-way street: not only respectful talking is important, but respectful listening is also very important. This shows that each side has a respect for each other and are willing to try and solve problems.
4. Good Communication in marriage probes for more insight: allowing your spouse to know that you don't understand what they are saying is common, that is why asking questions is important. Asking in a respectful way and having them repeat or state their concerns differently.
5. Good Communication in marriage is honest: this shows that each spouse refuses to avoid telling their spouse anything. They trust eachother in what they are saying. Lying also tends to come up down the road which puts strain on the relationship.

"Why I Care"
These are very basic communication skills that every couple should consider. It is simply changing they way we say things that lets our spouse know we respect them and we care about the marriage. Communication is really the base of everything because it covers all aspects of life.

Kendra Buchanan

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